英语Research Proposal写作模板:提供一站式写作帮助

在晨曦微露的清晨,一份清晰、精确的Research Proposal(研究计划)就像一杯清新的咖啡,给我们带来了一天的活力。它不仅定义了我们的研究目标,还给我们提供了实现目标的策略。让我们一起揭开Research Proposal写作的神秘面纱,探索其结构、内容和格式。



例如:“The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health: A Quantitative Study”。



  • 研究的背景和理由:简要介绍你的研究领域,为什么这个研究是重要的,它将解决哪些实际问题。
  • 研究问题:明确地阐述你的研究问题。这应该是一个具体、可行的问题,你的研究目的就是解答这个问题。

例如:“With the increasing popularity of social media among teenagers, it is important to understand its impact on their mental health. This study aims to investigate the relationship between social media usage and teenagers’ mental health, focusing on the frequency and type of social media used.”

三、文献回顾(Literature Review)


例如:“Previous studies on social media and mental health have largely focused on adults or have used small, non-representative samples. This study aims to fill these gaps by using a large, representative sample of teenagers.”



例如:“This study will use a quantitative research design. A sample of 1000 teenagers will be randomly selected from local high schools. They will complete a survey about their social media usage and mental health. The data will be analyzed using regression analysis to investigate the relationship between social media usage and mental health.”

五、预期结果(Expected Results)


例如:“It is expected that there will be a negative relationship between social media usage and teenagers’ mental health. This may be due to the fact that excessive social media usage can lead to cyberbullying and sleep deprivation, which are known risk factors for mental health problems.”

六、时间表和预算(Timeline and Budget)


例如:“The survey design and testing will take one month, data collection will take three months, and data analysis and report writing will take another three months. The estimated budget for this research is $10,000, including $3,000 for survey design and testing, $5,000 for data collection, and $2,000 for data analysis and report writing.”



例如:“This study aims to provide new insights into the impact of social media on teenagers’ mental health. The findings could inform the design of social media policies and interventions to promote teenagers’ mental health.”



